Creating a Call Routing Campaign

There is more than one way to create a call routing campaign. You can create a call routing campaign from the main menu, the affiliate window and the offer window. 

This article will walk you through creating a campaign from the main menu. 

Key Considerations: 

  • You cannot create a campaign if you don't have the (Vertical, Advertiser, Offer and Affiliate) created. 
  • The Default Campaign Settings are inherited from the offer, however; you can override the offer settings after you create the campaign. 

From the Main Menu, Click on Affiliates -> Campaigns -> Create Campaign...

The Create Campaign window will open. 

Offer Information:

Vertical: Select the Vertical. 

Offer: Select the Offer.

Campaign Information:

Affiliate: Select the Affiliate.

Campaign: Give your campaign a name. 

Mode: The Offer visibility in the Affiliate Portal.

  • Setup: No Calls will be routing until you're done setting up your campaign. 
  • Test: All incoming calls will be marked as tests and won't show in reports.
  • Live: You're done with setting up your campaign and good to go.