What is the Trash?
The trash is the place where invalid / rejected leads end up to.
When is a lead sent to Trash?
The lead would end up in the trash if one of the following occurs...
- InActive Vertical, Offer, Campaign or Affiliate.
- Offer or Campaign is Expired.
- Sub Affiliate is Blocked.
- The lead is missing required fields.
- The lead fails at least one reject validation.
- The lead fails at least one one of the campaign's filters.
- The lead fails at least one of the campaign's location restrictions.
- The lead fails at least one of the campaign's cap restrictions.
- The lead fails the offer or campaign caps.
- No available contracts to buy the lead and the campaign type is Host-n-Post.
- The lead is duplicate.
For Ping Tree offers, the lead will be sent to trash when...
- No Ping ID is posted with the lead.
- The Ping ID is invalid.
- The lead is posted more than once with the same Ping ID.
- The lead is posted when the ping was rejected.
How can I find out why the lead was sent to the Trash?
From the main menu, Click on All Leads -> Trash. This will list all leads that are in the Trash.
The Disposition column is an overview of what caused the lead to end up in the Trash.
The Post Response, is the first post response to your affiliate.

You can also get more details about all failed validations by opening the lead and click on Validations from the Lead's window.

Can I remove leads from the Trash?
Yes. You can either Send the lead to the Queue or Review Queue.
If the lead is sent to the Queue, the queue will process the lead. If there are not available contracts to buy the lead from the queue. The lead will be kicked out from the Queue.
If the lead is sent to the Review Queue, you can either Accept or Reject the lead from the Review Queue. Accepting the lead from the review queue will send the lead to the Queue and the Queue will process the lead. Rejecting the lead from the Review Queue will send the lead to the Trash.