Lead Delivery Schedule

Managing Delivery Schedules can be done at the Contract Level. 

From Main Menu, click on Advertisers -> Contracts -> Contracts.

Click on the Contract Name to open the Contract Window. 

From the Contract Menu, Click on Schedule

Click on Add Schedule... to add a new Schedule. 

Schedule Days

Select the days that the contract will accept leads. 

Schedule Time

Select the Start Time and End Time. 

Type, Cap and Price


  • Exclusive: Contract at this schedule will receive exclusive leads only. 
  • MultiSell: Contract at this schedule will receive multisell leads. 

Leads Cap: The maximum number of leads that will be delivered to the Contract within the Schedule. 

Revenue Cap: The maximum amount of revenue you can generate from the Contract within the Schedule. 

Price: The fixed revenue amount for each lead sold to the Contract. 

Click Save & Continue.

To manage Delivery Schedule, Click on the Week Day. 

Make the necessary changes. Click Save & Continue


  • Delivery Schedule is required for delivering leads. No leads will be delivered to the Contract if the Schedule is not added. 
  • To have a 24 hour delivery schedule, Select 12:00 AM for the Start Time and 12:00 AM for the End Time.