Managing Return Settings can be done at the Contract Level.
From Main Menu, click on Advertisers -> Contracts -> Contracts.
Click on the Contract Name to open the Contract Window.
From the Contract Menu, Click on Setting -> Duplicates & Returns.

Allow Returns: When checked this setting allows advertisers to return leads from the Advertiser Portal.
Auto Approve Returns: When checked this setting auto approves returns from the Advertiser Portal.
Replace Returns: When checked this setting replaces returned leads when new leads are available.
Replacement Returns: When checked this setting will not allow an Advertiser to return replacement leads.
Max Returns Per Billing Cycle Type:
- Fixed: Max Returns Per Billing Cycle by fixed number of leads.
- Percentage: Max Returns Per Billing Cycle by a percentage of volume.
Max Returns Per Billing Cycle: Maximum returns allowed per billing cycle.
Max Return Age: Maximum age in days a lead can be returned.
Max Return Days After the Billing Cycle: Maximum amount of days after billing cycle has ended that returns will be accepted.